When to Choose a Medicine Ball or a Slam Ball

When to Choose a Medicine Ball or a Slam Ball

Johana Hernandez |

If you’re stuck between choosing a medicine ball or slam ball, we're here to help!  Because let’s face it, choosing between medicine balls vs. slam balls is tricky. 

Whether it is for working out at the gym where equipment can be scarce during peak time and you want a good workout, or buying one of these balls or both for your home gym, the decision can get tough. That is why we developed this guide.  

Below you will learn:

  • The differences between medicine balls vs slam balls 
  • The benefits of a medicine ball and slam ball
  • When to choose slam balls vs medicine balls and vice versa

Once you get to the end of the blog, you will have a better idea of how to decide between medicine balls vs. slam balls.

What Are the Differences Between Medicine Balls vs Slam Balls?

Although they are very similar, the ways you can workout and reap benefits are very different.  Here are some of the differences between medicine balls and slam balls. 

Medicine Ball

Slam Ball

Throwing exercises


Standard lifting exercises



Can replace dumbbells in exercises 



Can be slammed to the ground


Low intensity workouts


High intensity workouts


Improve balance and coordination


Improve cardiovascular fitness


Bounces when dropped


Hard shell made of a tough rubber


Soft shell made of leather, rubber, vinyl, or plastic


Sand filled


Air filled




Easy to use



Ideal for studio or garage gyms



Easy to store







When To Choose Slam Balls Over Medicine Balls

You’ll want to choose slam balls over medicine balls for more explosive movements. Slam balls are designed to be aggressively slammed and thrown (which allows you to release your inner frustrations!) compared to medicine balls which are harder to be used for such movements. 


Grab a slam ball over a medicine ball to improve cardiovascular endurance since you're using more power to control them. If you want to do a HIIT or CrossFit workout, slam balls are the weighted ball of choice due to being made from materials suited for more rugged use and dynamic movements. 


When To Choose A Medicine Ball Over A Slam Ball

If you don’t plan on slamming or throwing the ball or moving it around a lot and are aiming for mostly resistance training, a traditional medicine ball is for you.  

Because they’re softer (but heavy) and more stable to control, they can produce a good workout for you if you want to switch it up from regular, free weights. However, medicine balls can be a good addition to a high-intensity workout, too, such as wall balls. 



Other resistance training movements such as presses, push-ups, and thrusters can be done with medicine balls because they are easier to hold on to. Medicine balls are ideal to use for abdominal workouts such as crunches or russian twists since they are more sturdy compared to slam balls. 



Depending on the movement, a slam ball and medicine ball are both great. One of them will make the workout easier resulting in better form. By now, you should know more about when to choose a slam ball or medicine ball. Click here to buy slam balls and click here to view all of our medicine balls.  

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